The first thing is this sugar scrub. I absolutely love this, especially because my skin can get really dry. This scrub leaves your skin soft, smooth and smelling amazing. This particular one is from Fiji so I don't know if it is available anywhere else but you can find good sugar scrubs at stores like The Body Shop. Also, I have been researching how to make these yourself so I will try and put a tutorial for that up.
If you guys have read my other posts you would know that I am absolutely loving Formula 10.06's face scrub and moisturiser so I picked these up the other day just to try them out. They only cost me around $1 each but they do have bigger bottles. Guys, they are absolutely amazing. I have used so many face masks and most of them seem to either do nothing or really dry my skin out. These leave your skin really smooth without making it dry and removes all the junk from your face.
I have been using this for a while but I think it's important to mention simply because it can be used for so many different things. It can be used for dry skin, chapped lips, burns, scars, the list goes on. I generally use this at night before I go to bed on my lips and I wake up with moisturised and pretty lips.
The last of my favourites for this month is this heat protectant. I straighten my hair so much and this makes my hair sooo smooth without having to run over my hair too much. I got this one from Aldi and it only cost me around $6.
Well I hope you guys liked this post. I'm sorry, I realise that it's November but I didn't get a chance to upload it.
If you guys want to get in touch with me you can find me on:
Twitter: gabbiiii_m
Instagram: gabbiii_m